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List of all deliverables to be submitted within the Smart5Grid Project.
To see the submitted deliverables only, search for "Submitted".
No.Deliverable NameDelivery Date
(Project Month)
Lead BeneficiaryTypeDissemination
D1.1Project management
handbook with strategic
plan for quality
assurance and risk
02 (submitted)ENELReportConfidential
D1.2-1.3Periodic/Final project
report (including
financials) RP1 / PR2
18 (submitted) / 40 (submitted)ENELReportConfidential
D1.4-D1.6Data Management Plan
12 (submitted) / 24 (submitted) / 40 (submitted)ENELReportConfidential
D2.1Use cases, system
requirements and
planned demonstrations
06 (submitted)UCYReportPublic
D2.2Overall Architecture
Design, Technical
Specifications and
Technology Enablers
09 (submitted)ATOSReportPublic
D2.3Alignment with
Previous 5G PPP
Phases and Roadmap
for third party
24 (submitted)8BELLSReportConfidential
D3.1Interim report for the development of the 5G network facility12 (submitted)ENGReportPublic
D3.2Final report for the
development of the 5G
network facility
24 (submitted)NBCReportPublic
D3.3Open NetApp
24 (submitted)AXONReportPublic
D3.4Smart5Grid platform
integration and HIL
testing activities
24 (submitted)UCYReportPublic
D4.1Development and
deployment of NetApps for the energy vertical sectors
27 (submitted)SIDReportPublic
D4.2Verification and validation framework based on DevOps practices30 (submitted)UWReportPublic
D4.3Technical support and
assistance to 3rd parties
during the project
40 (submitted)OTEReportConfidential
D5.1NetApp integration framework and Smart5Grid rollout plans for Uninterruptible SmartGrid Operation30 (submitted)WI3ReportPublic
D5.2Validation results of
NetApps for UC1 and
40 (submitted)ENGReportConfidential
D5.3Report on demonstration activities and validation results (Use Case 1)40 (submitted)ENELDemonstratorPublic
D5.4Report on demonstration activities and validation results (Use Case 2)40 (submitted)NOSIADemonstratorPublic
D6.1NetApp integrationframework andSmart5Grid roll-outplans for integrationhigh levels of variableRES30 (submitted)OTEReportPublic
D6.2Validation results of NetApps for UC3 and UC440 (submitted)SCReportConfidential
D6.3Report on demonstration activities and validation results (Use Case 3)40 (submitted)EEDemonstratorPublic
D6.4Report on demonstration activities and validation results (Use Case 4)40 (submitted)IPTODemonstratorPublic
D7.1Project Website03 (submitted)8BELLSWebsites,
filing, etc.
D7.2Plans for Dissemination and Communication, Standardization, and Interaction with 5GPPP03 (submitted)INFReportPublic
exploitation, and
standardisation report -
Period 1
Period 2

Period 3

12 (submitted)/ 24 (submitted) / 40 (submitted)INFReportPublic
D7.6Market Analysis, Business Modelling and Exploitation Report40 (submitted)8BELLSReportPublic
D7.7Innovation management report40 (submitted)8BELLSReportPublic