General Profile
Ubiwhere is a Research and Innovation SME, based in Portugal, developing innovative and user-centred software solutions. Since 2007, Ubiwhere has fostered a culture of innovation and creativity by delivering the solutions that their clients need to succeed. The main objective of the company is to research and develop bleeding-edge technologies, design state-of-the-art solutions and create valuable intellectual property (using rich intangible assets) internally and to its clients – to achieve its vision of being an international reference in Smart Cities and Future Internet. To that end, they rely on a multi-faceted, dynamic, passionate and highly qualified team composed by Senior Executives, Researchers, Consultants, Project Managers, Creative Designers, Programmers and Quality Assurance Technicians (more than 30 employees and more than 90% with Master Degree or higher). Ubiwhere’s activity focuses on the research and development of technologies across several markets, namely:
- Telecom and Future Internet;
- Smart Cities;
- Sustainable and Efficient Resource Management (Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources);
- Transportation, Travel, and Tourism.
With a vast experience in web and mobile development, UW have created diverse solutions such as an intelligent service for electrical bike sharing (released as a successful spinoff called BikeEmotion) and, more recently, an M2M middleware platform for the Internet of Things in the Smart Cities domain. It was born in a National funded project (called WMAN_NG) and is the current backend solution of all Citibrain products, responsible for the data collection, parsing, transformation, and provision, through well-structured and standardized application programming interfaces. Having implemented such technology following best practices concerning replicability and interoperability in micro-services deployment architectures, Ubiwhere is using this solution as the basis for the projects mentioned above (e.g. symbIoTe, EMBERS). Furthermore, Ubiwhere has 8 H2020 ongoing projects and has been collaborating with many European Commission initiatives like FIWARE, Open & Agile Smart Cities, European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities & Communities, Big Data Value Association, IoT European Platforms Initiative and the Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation. The close monitoring of technological advances in our core area of Smart Cities, as Middleware Platform provides and responsible for efficient data collection and processing, and strong engineering background enabled us to develop several key competencies in IoT (Internet of Things) and M2M (Machine-to-Machine) technology, Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of People and Internet of Everything, which are key to achieve the expected outcomes of the current Smart5Grid proposal.
Role in the Project
Leads: WP4 (T4.1 and T4.3)
Major tasks:
- Leading the WP4: Technology Readiness Evolution for NetApps Development by contributing with its expertise in specific tasks of the Smart5Grid project related to the Network Function Virtualisation technologies.
- Leading the Development of use case specific NetApps and the NFV automatic testing & validation framework through continuous integration.
UW’s role includes:
Contributing to the use case elaboration and to the system requirement analysis (T2.1), to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2), the technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3) and the roadmap for third-party experimentation (T2.4).
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 271 250