General Profile
STAM is a private engineering company, based in Genoa, Italy. Since its establishment in 1997, STAM has been providing consultancy, design and engineering in the following sectors: defence & security, energy, aerospace and transports. STAM serves a broad range of industries, public and private companies, research organizations, non-profit agencies.
The strength of the company lies in the wide experience gained by its staff in the development of innovative solutions for industrial applications. The staff is composed of managers, engineers, scientists, and technicians with qualifications and experience in design, simulation, problem-solving and project management. The project activities are performed by a team of engineers, consultants and expert project managers in synergy with the partners. An important feature of the staff’s multidisciplinary potential is its ability to provide varied and diversified services for a project, according to client’s needs, engineering and project management, to solve specific technical aspects. Stam is a SME member of ECTP-E2B (Mr. Barbagelata is a member of the steering committee) and it has been collaborating with the European Space Agency since 1999, both as technology provider and in Technology Transfer Programme. Stam has also developed a strong experience in working with the funding instruments of the European Commission since FP4 to H2020, Eureka and ERA-Net frameworks, being involved in more than 50 Projects over the last 15 years, in the fields of: automation, mechatronics, energy efficiency, adaptive production equipment, high precision manufacturing technologies, new materials. Stam in the recent years has expanded its services to growing markets, including: Middle East, Far East and South America.
Role in the Project
Major Task:
- STAM will be involved in the development of a mobile app for the real-time update of relevant stakeholders of the energy distribution network in response to network reconfiguration as a fault-recovery mechanism, supporting mainly the Use Case 1: Automatic Power Distribution Grid Fault Detection.
STAM’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of use cases and system requirements analysis (T2.1), to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2) and to the definition of the system level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3).
- Contributing to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support uninterruptible smart grid operation (T5.1), to the NetApps integration and validation for Use Case 1 (Automatic Power Distribution Grid Fault Detection) through its contribution to the T5.2, and to the actual field pilot demonstration and performance evaluation for Use Case 1 (T5.3).
Contributing to the dissemination and communication activities of T7.1, to the market analysis, business models and exploitation of T7.2, and to the innovation management of T7.5.
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 153 125