General Profile
INFOLYSIS P.C. is an innovative SME company, established in Athens, Greece, specialising on the design and development of chatbots, either as custom-made standalone applications or as subscribed-based services (Chatbot as a Service) via the privately owned chatbot platform. Chatbots are applications that simulate human conversation, based primarily on conversational flows and occasionally enriched with DL/NLP technologies for more sophisticated use-cases. INFOLYSiS provides its chatbot solutions over various popular messaging apps, like Viber, Messenger, Slack etc., while its primary business is based on Viber, since INFOLYSiS has granted the title of “Viber Preferred Enabling Partner”.
Role in the Project
Leads: T7.1
Major tasks:
- Leading the dissemination and communication activities of the Smart5Grid project and will efficiently communicate core project activities and achievements to the scientific community, business/organizations and to the broadest general public.
INF’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of use cases and system requirements analysis (T2.1), to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2) and to the definition of the system level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3). INF will also actively contribute to T2.4 to align Smart5Grid with previous 5G-PPP Phases and contribute to the creation of the Smart5Grid roadmap for third party experimentation.
- Leading the dissemination and conmmunication activities of the Smart5Grid project through the leadership of T7.1.
Contributing to the market analysis, business models and exploitation of T7.2, to the liaison and interaction with 5G-PPP Program of T7.3, and to the intellectual property rights handling and innovation management of T7.4.
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 180 250