General Profile
IPTO is responsible for the operation of the electricity transmission grid in Greece with over 11 thousand km of system covering the whole of mainland Greece and an increasing portion of the Greek Islands.
The Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO or ADMIE) S.A. was established in compliance with Law 4001/2011 and European Union Directive 2009/72/EC regarding the adoption of common rules in the organization of EU electricity markets. According to Law 4001/2011 IPTO undertakes the role of Transmission System Operator for the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System and as such performs the duties of System operation maintenance and development so as to ensure Greece’s electricity supply in a safe, efficient and reliable manner.
As of June 20th 2017 IPTO follows the model of proprietary separated Administrator (Ownership Unbundling) and is fully harmonized with the Directive 2009/72/EC. The shareholder structure of IPTO is as follows: -51% IPTO HOLDINGS Inc., – 25% DES IPTO S.A., – 24% State Grid Europe Limited
The Hellenic Republic owns 51% rate in IPTO S.A. through DES IPTO S.A. since July 24th 2017, with the transfer of shares of IPTO HOLDINGS Inc. owned by the Hellenic Republic and the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A.
As the Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System, IPTO’s mission is to ensure Greece’s electricity supply in a safe, efficient and reliable manner while promoting the development of competition in the Greek electricity market and guaranteeing the non-discriminatory treatment of System users.
Role in the Project
Leads: T6.4
Major Tasks:
- Leading the cross-border (Greece-Bulgaria) pilot project through the real-life demonstration of Use Case 4 related to phase measurement units.
- Disseminate and exploite the Smart5Grid results to relevant stakeholders and power grid operators.
IPTOS’s role includes:
- Contributing to design of the use-cases, and the NetApp definition through its participation to T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3. IPTO will also provide support to the roadmap for the third-party experimentation during T2.4.
- Contribute to the pre-piloting via hardware-in-the-loop demonstration of T3.4.
- Leading the actual field pilot demonstration and performance evaluation of Use Case 4 (Real-time Wide Area Monitoring) by providing existing infrastructures and equipment to the Smart5Grid (T6.4). Ipto will also contribute to the preparation of the field platform (T6.1) and the NetApps integration (T6.2) for the integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids.
- Contributing to the dissemination activities for the maximisation of the project’s impact (T7.1) and into the standardisation procedures of the project (T7.4).
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 120 006,25
