General Profile
Entra Energy EOOD is an independent producer of renewable energy that owns and operates small wind and hydro power plants. The company is based in Sofia, Bulgaria while its Wind Farm is located in the central parts of the country and the HPP is situated in the South-West part of the country. Their interest is also pointed at PV installations where they work in partnership with companies that develop and construct solar installations. Entra Energy is making research and development in the domain of renewable energy sources with the purpose of building smarter, more flexible and adaptive grids as well as energy markets. Currently the company’s innovation and R&D are focused on smart grid by making use of IoT, blockchain, crowdfunding, cyber security and new technologies. Driven by their natural curiosity and ambitions to support transformation of the energy system, Entra Energy is developing their RES portfolio and team experience with the purpose of expanding their research areas in the fields of renewables, batteries, smart grid and energy efficiency.
Entra Energy EOOD works in partnership with ‘Artificial Intelligence and CAD Systems LAB’ who in essence deals with scientific research and development of innovative technologies. The laboratory is a partner of Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and is managed by prof. Valeri Mladenov.
Role in the Project
Leads: T6.3
Major Tasks:
- EE will provide the test ground for 5G Internet of Things application in energy, by focusing on the Use Case 3: Millisecond Level Precise Distribution Generation Control.
- Supporting the design of the technical solution in line with best O&M practices needs for smooth operation of grid-connected renewable energy sources, with main focus on the wind turbines. The broad business and technical experience will allow EE to contribute to Smart5Grid by covering technical as well as the and business aspects of modern wind turbine business run.
EE’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of use cases and system requirements analysis (T2.1), to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2) and to the definition of the system level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3). EE will also contribute to the creation of the Smart5Grid roadmap for third party experimentation of T2.4.
- Contribute to the pre-piloting via hardware-in-the-loop demonstration through its participation to T3.4.
- Leading T6.3 for the actual field pilot demonstration and performance evaluation for Use Case 3 (Millisecond Level Precise Distribution Generation Control). EE will also contribute to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources (T6.1) and the NetApps integration and validation for Use Case 3 (T6.2).
Contributing to the dissemination activities and for the maximisation of project’s impact through its participation to T7.1. EE will also contribute to the marker analysis, business models and exploitation of T7.2, and will interact with other 5G-PPP Programs through T7.3.
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 164 937,50