General Profile
ENGINEERING Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. is the head company of the ENGINEERING Group. Engineering was founded in 1980, and it is currently the first IT group in Italy, among the top 10 IT groups in Europe, with approx. 11.000 employees and 65 branch offices in Italy and abroad, with an established presence in Belgium, Germany, Norway, Republic of Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South America (Brazil and Argentina) and United States.
Engineering has a consolidated presence on all vertical markets and operates through its 4 business units – Public Administration & Healthcare, Telco & Utilities, Industry & Services, Finance – supported by cross-business unit centres of competence and by the Research and Innovation Department which, with its 420 resources, has the dual role of promoting research on software at an international level and transferring R&D Department, have been participating in several National and European research initiatives co-funded by EC and the Italian Research Ministry. The R&D Department is located across six different locations in Italy and in Europe.
The Group operates in the outsourcing and cloud computing market via an integrated network of data centres equipped with infrastructure aligned to the best technological, quality and security standards.
Role in the Project
Leads: T1.2, T2.3, WP3 (T3.3), T5.2.
Major Tasks:
- Technical Coordination,
- Leading the integration of 5G network facilities, as well as the Smart5Grid open repositories including the Smart5Grid open-source platform, through the leadership of WP3, as ENG is a large European Integrator that offers a wide portfolio of enterprise ICT applications and cloud-based services in the domain of Smart Energy Grids.
ENG’s role includes:
- Act as Technical Coordination of the Project Management WP, ensuring the flow of technical information among the different WPs and will monitor and control of the overall technical progress per WP to ensure that the objectives are met (T1.2).
- Leading T2.3 that focuses on the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications, defining the requiments and the architecture of Smart5Grid platform and developed NetApps. Will also significantly contribute to the technical specification of the Smart5Grid platform through its participation to all the rest tasks of WP2 (T2.1, T2.2 and T2.4) given the excellent experience on 5G platform integration gained mainly through the Project Coordination of NRG-5 project.
- Leading the platform integration and interfacing between 5G and energy infrastructure (e.g., MEC deployment) via leading WP3 and by undertaking also the learship of T3.3. ENG will exploit its great experience on the development and orchestration of channed virtual network functions through the participation in T3.1 and T3.2.
- Contributing to the validation and verification over the Smart5Grid experimentation platform and NFV automatic testing and continues integration by participationg in T4.2 and T4.3. ENG will also technically support and assist third parties for the NetApp deployment (T4.4).
- Lead the NetApp integration and validation for Use Cases 1 and 2 throuh the leadership of T5.2. ENG will also oversees the preparation fo the Smart5Grid field platforms for these two use cases (T5.1) in order to support the uninterruptible sart grid operation and will provide any thechical assistant during the actual field demonstration, performance evaluation and NetApp validation for use Case 1 (T5.3).
- Contributing to the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of the Smart5Grid Results via T7.1, T7.2, T7.3, T7.4
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 307 125