Enel Grids S.r.l.

General Profile

Enel Global Infrastructure and Networks (Enel GI&N) is a subsidiary of Enel S.p.A. (Enel), a multinational energy company and a global integrated operator in the electricity and gas industries with a focus on Europe and Latin America. Enel Global Infrastructure and Networks mission is at a glance:

  • Design, development, production, installation of metering and measurement systems;
  • Provision of metering services and measurement of energy flows and their consumption, as well as services for the processing of related data and information;
  • Design, development and operation of data, voice or video communications networks, as well as hardware and software components related to the same activity:
  • Design of electrical systems;
  • Design, creation and management of databases.
  • Since 2015, ENEL GI&N has been involved in several EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects for coordination and dissemination activities.
    Part of ENEL’s work will be undertaken by two subsidiaries of ENEL Group. The third parties involvement of ENEL’s two subsidiaries can be found in Section 4.2, and a brief organization profile can be fond below.

Part of ENEL’s work will be undertaken by two subsidiaries of ENEL Group. The third parties involvement of ENEL’s two subsidiaries can be found in Section 4.2, and a brief organization profile can be fond below.

e-distribuzione s.p.a. is a Distribution System Operator (DSO) and a subsidiary of the ENEL Group, Italy’s largest power company and Europe’s second listed utility by installed capacity. With about 32 million consumers and more than 1,100,000 km lines, e-distribuzione is the second largest DSO in Europe. As well as providing power distribution services to its household and business consumers, the company runs RD&D activities with the aim to constantly improve supply services to consumers and facilitate new advanced services to the customers in the framework of smart grids developments.

e- distribución is part of the Endesa, the largest electric utility in Spain, belongin to the mother company Enel. e- distribución distributes electricity in 20 Spanish provinces of nine regions, Catalonia, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, Extremadura, Castilla-Leon, Navarra and Valencia, covering an area of 192,790 km2 and a population of approx. 22 million.

Role in the Project

Leads: WP1 (T1.1, T1.3), WP5 (T5.3) and T7.5

Major Tasks:

  • Project Coordinator,
  • Leading the real field demonstrations and validation procedures of the Uninterruptible Smart Grid Operation due to 5G Connectivity Use Cases by utilising existing infrastructres and equipment of its subsidiaries; e-distribuzione s.p.a. for UC1 and e- distribución for UC2.

ENEL’s role includes:

  • Leading the project coordination and maintaining overall control of the project; communicating with the European Commission (EC) project officer about the progress and ensuring the project is proceeding as defined in the contract (T1.1); hence assuring the quality and assessing the risk (T1.3). ENEL will also handling the intelectual property rights and ensure the Smart5Grid innovation management (T7.5), as well as manage the financial aspects of the project, including budget and resources, audit certificates and payments.
  • Significantly contributing to the use case elaboration and system requirement analysis, as the demonstrated Smart5Grid use cases would be tailored to existing issues facing by the current power grid operators. Thus, ENEL will participate in designing the use-cases, defining their requirements and identify the system level technical specifications and technological choices for the 5G enabled smart grids, through its contribution to T2.1, T2.2, and T2.3.
  • Act as demo leader during the validation procedures of WP5, for the Automatic Power Distribution Grid Fault Detection (Use Case 1) and Remote Inspection of Automatically Delimited Working Areas at Distribution Level (Use Case 2), by using existing infrastructures and equipment of its subsidiaries DSOs; Use Case 1 will be demonstrated on e-distribuzione s.p.a. assets, while Use Case 2 will be validated in a sub-station owned by e- distribución, through ENEL’s participation in T5.1-T5.4.
  • Contributing to the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of the Results through its participation in T7.1, T7.2 and T7.3.

Project Related Information

Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 1 027 687,50
