General Profile
Bulgarian Electricity System Operator EAD (ESO) was established on 4 April 2007 as a subsidiary of the National Electricity Company (NEK). On 4 February 2014, the unbundling of ESO from NEK went through its last stage in line with the Third Liberalization Package. This has been the final step needed to reach compliance with Directive 2009/72/EC and the national legislative provisions. ESO is responsible for the common operational planning, coordination and control of the Bulgarian power system and its parallel synchronous operation with neighbouring systems. Its purviews also include transmission grid operation, maintenance and reliable functioning, auxiliary network servicing, as well as maintenance and repair services in the energy sector. It also manages the power transit through the national grid and runs the electricity market.
In performing parallel synchronous operation with ENTSO-E, ESO, being a key partner in the Balkan region, constantly strives to achieve higher transmission efficiency and asset management performance by introducing and using the newest methods of planning, maintenance, monitoring and control. The company has deployed an asset management system (SAP/R3), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) and Energy Management System (EMS), and Geographic Information System (GIS).
Role in the Project
Major Tasks:
- Cross-border cooperation with neighboring though the demonstration of Use Case 4.
- Exploitable Smart5Grid innovative tools and solutions to be adopted by ESO after the evaluation procedures.
ESO’s role includes: - Contributing to design of the use-cases, and the NetApp definition through its participation to T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3.
- Contribute to the pre-piloting via hardware-in-the-loop demonstration of T3.4.
- Actively contributiong to the actual field pilot demonstration and performance evaluation of Use Case 4 (Real-time Wide Area Monitoring) by providing existing infrastructures and equipment to the Smart5Grid (T6.4). ESO will also contribute to the T6.1, for the Smart5Grid field platform preparation.
- Contributing to the dissemination activities for the maximisation of the project’s impact (T7.1).
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 75 250