General Profile

Eight Bells LTD is a dynamic SME that specializes in modelling and techno-economic studies for businesses, as well as in selected parts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Eight Bells takes into account fundamental financial aspects, as well as qualitative and technical components so as to provide clear insights of the economic framework related to novel technologies and the respective market domains. Additionally, Eight Bells provides forecasts to support decision makers by translating business data into applied models.

The objectives of Eight Bells can be summarized as follows:

  1. Consulting and analysis regarding techno-economic aspects of ICT services, demand and price forecasting of telecommunications products and services, and risk management in telecom investment.
  2. Provision of advisory services for the development of bottom-up and top-down models for telecommunication networks for regulators, government agencies, telecommunications providers, and associations.
  3. Research on business models and techno-economics methodologies.
  4. Development, operation, commercialization and support of specialized software tools and components for the above purposes.

Role in the Project

Leads: T2.4, WP7 (T7.2)

Major Tasks:

  • Leading the Smart5Grid alignment with previous 5G-PPP Phases.
  • Create the roadmap for third party experimentation on the Smart5Grid facilities and equipment.
  • Leading the Smart5Grid impact creation, with individual focus on the market analysis and business models and exploitation.

8BELLS’s role includes:

  • Leading the Smart5Grid alignment with previous 5G-PPP Phases and roadmap for third party experimentation through its leadership of T2.4. 8BELLS is also contributing to the elaboration of the use cases and system requirements analysis of T2.1, the overall architecture design of open experimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications of T2.2 and the system level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids of T2.3.
  • Contributing to the Smart5Grid open source service repository through its participation to the T3.2.
  • Actively contributing to the NFV automatic testing and validation framework (T4.3) and provide technical support and assistance to 3rd parties for NetApp deployment (T4.4).
  • Leading the Smart5Grid Impact Creation through the leadership of WP7. 8BELLS will be also leading T7.2 of the market analysis, business models and exploitation, and will actively participate to the rest tasks of WP7 (T7.1, T7.3, T7.4 and T7.5).

Project Related Information

Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 322 743,75
