General Profile
AXON LOGIC is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As an information and technology company, we provide reliable support services and consultancy to a wide variety of sciences either in applied mathematics, quantum physics, electronic or communications engineering – accurately delivering new technology and business information, ideas and insights to customers around the world. We aim at establishing ourselves as the best choice in Computing and Information Technology design, consultancy and development by offering full spectrum of services. The main interest of AXON is on Telecommunications, Big Data, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, and Smart Homes.
Although newly founded, Axon Logic holds strong experience in coping with ambitious ICT developments and innovative research including complex networking design, baseband signal processing, infrastructure virtualization and system optimization, among others, aiming to establishing itself as one of the best choices in Computing and Information Technology design, consultancy and development of full spectrum of services.
Role in the Project
Leads: T3.2
Major Tasks:
- Leading the Smart5Grid open source service repository.
- Contributing to the NFV automatic testing & validation framework through continuous integration and provide technical support and assistance to third parties for NetApp deployment.
AXON’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of use cases and system requirements analysis (T2.1), and to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2). AXON will also contribute to the creation of the Smart5Grid roadmap for third party experimentation of T2.4.
- Leading the open source service repository of the Smart5Grid project through its leadership of T3.2. Additionally, it will contribute to the Smart5Grid network access/core platform building and orchestration (T3.1) and to the platform integration and interfacing between 5G and energy infrastructure (T3.3).
- Actively contributing to the NFV automatic testing & validation framework through continuous integration (T4.3) and to the technical support and assistance to 3rd parties for NetApp deployment of T4.4.
- Contribute to the dissemination and communication activities of the project through its participation to T7.1, contribute to the market analysis, business models and exploitation of T7.2, and to the intellectual property rights and innovation management of T7.5.
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 196 875