General Profile
Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquired Athonet, a high-tech SME founded based on the vision that mobile data usage would increase dramatically, creating a burden on mobile operator backhaul networks that would affect the quality of consumer and in particular mission-critical business, enterprises and government services. Athonet provides a complete software-based mobile packet core solution for centralised or highly distributed edge-cloud deployments in Enterprise & Industrial private networks, CBRS, Challenger Telcos, Tier 1 Operators, Governments and Public Safety or mission critical applications. The full core network solution set includes also Voice-over-LTE (vIMS for VoLTE), LTE Broadcast (eMBMS), supports NB-IoT and MC-PTT. It is one of the industry’s most efficient mobile core solutions that can be deployed in fully virtualised environments, enterprise data centres or on standard off-the-shelf servers.
Role in the Project
Leads: T3.1
Major tasks:
- Providing software mobile core and edge network functionalities that will be used to define the use case requirements and architectural design specifications. The core components will interface with the backhaul links and with the radio access devices of the partners to enable the mobile local services to the remote users.
- Participating in tasks related to dissemination, standardisation, and exploitation of the project’s results, with a special focus on standardization.
HP’s role includes:
- Contributing to the use-cases definition and the collection of the requirements and the selection of KPIs participating in the overall Smart5Grid system architecture (T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3).
- Leading the Smart5Grid network access/core platform building and orchestration (T4.1) and actively contribute to the platform integration and interfacing between 5G and energy infrastructure (T4.3).
- Contributing to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support uninterruptible smart grid operation (T5.1). Also, ATH will contribute to the actual field pilot demonstration of Use Case 1 (T5.3) and Use Case 2 (T5.4), in order to provide technical 5G support for the real-life NetApps’ validation.
- Contributing to the project dissemination (T7.1) and standardisation activities (T7.4).
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 293 125