workshops, special sessions, poster sessions & events

17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and InnovationsOTE25-27 Jun 20216th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021)This Workshop was a joint effort for the broader dissemination of research and the exchange of knowledge/results between several H2020 EU-funded projects, established to disseminate knowledge obtained from them, as well as from any other action of EU-funded research, in the wider thematic area of 5G and with the aim of focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern 5G and beyond telecommunications infrastructures
Link for more info:
Electrical and Computer Engineering Students Conference (ECESCON)IPTO15-17th Apr 2022Workshop on “Enabling Advancements in the Future Energy System”IPTO through a booth and a workshop aimed to inform the participants regarding the “Enabling Advancements in the Future Energy System”, based on the topics of the “Grid Enhancing Flexibilities”, the “Flexibility Markets” and the “5G Integration in the Future Power Systems”
EuCNC - 6G SummitICT-41 Projects7-10 Jun 2022Special Session on ‘NetApps for Verticals’Smart5Grid Project participated in the Special Session on ‘NetApps for Verticals’. This hybrid event was co-organised by ICT-41 projects including Smart5Grid. Rita Santiago and Helio Simeao, from Ubiwhere, physically attended the event and along with the 4 Smart5Grid Pilots, presented the Smart5Grid NetApp Concept and the overall ecosystem picture by introducing the Smart5Grid Platform.
For more information about the Special Session follow this link:
18th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2022)ΟΤΕ17-21 June 20227th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2022)The 5G-PINE 2022 Workshop emphasized upon presenting associated results, methodologies, trials, concepts and/or other findings originating from technical reports coming from related pilot actions and/or other relevant 5G-based applications, intending to enhance intelligence to the network edge. (For more information you can visit the AIAI 2022 Conference website
and/or the dedicated 5g-pine 2022 Workshop’s web site at:
IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and NetworkingICT-41 Projects5-8 Sep 2022Joint Workshop ‘NetApps into Beyond 5G and 6G Network’In the context of the 2nd Meditcom Conference which was held in Athens on the 5th-8th September 2022, Smart5Grid project participated, with physical attendance, in the joint Workshop titled ‘NetApps into Beyond 5G and 6G Network’.
This workshop was co-organised from 9 ICT-41 Projects (Smart5Grid, EVOLVED-5G, 5G-ERA, 5GASP, 5GMediaHUB, 5G-INDUCE, VITAL-5G and 5G-EPICENTRE) and the aim was to bring together all the NetApp stakeholders, discuss their experiences so far and pave the way for NetApps into 6G to span all domains RAN/CORE/Transport/Devices/Applications
8th IEEE International Smart Cities ConferenceUCY -Kios Research Center26-29 Sep 2022Special Session on 5G for smart cities and smart gridsThe theme of this special session is focused on 5G technology and cloud native solutions for smart grids and smart cities application.
Call for Papers deadline: 1st of July 2022
INFOCOM 2022Smart5Grid Partners26 Nov 2022Special Session ‘5G in the Smart Grid – The Novel Approach of the Smart5Grid European ProjectIn the context of the Workshop ‘Research Projects for creating the Future and Innovative Telecoms Market’, which was organised by OTE, in conjuction with the 24th Infocom World 2022, in Athens (29th-30th November), Smart5Grid partners organised a Special Session entitled ‘5G in the Smart Grid – The Novel Approach of the Smart5Grid European Project’. Smart5Grid Partners, OTE (Dr. I.Chochliouros, Mr M.Rantopoulos), Entra Energy (Ms R.Rumenova) and IPTO (Mr. D.Brodimas) contributed with 5 presentations, which introduced the project, communicated the Opportunities and Challenges for DSOs/TSOs and the developing of a modern network interconnection scheme by the 5G operators, as derive from UC4.Additionally, a presentation on Distributed Energy Operation & Maintenance in RES Installations was introduced as derived from UC3. Finally, the Essential Components and Core Features of the Smart5Grid Platform for Implementing the 5G Perspective were also presented.
ENLIT 2022ENEL29 Nov - 1 Dec 2022The EU Projects Zone Podcast: Smart5Grid with Daniele PorcuMrs. Areti Darandimou, interviewed our project coordinator, Daniele Porcu, in the context of ENLIL 2022. The video was released in November 2023, just before the opening of the ENLIT 2023. You may watch the interview here:
Smart5Grid 1st RoadshowSmart5Grid Partners26 Feb 2023Special Event for Italian audience targeting experimenters and developersOn the 26th of January, Smart5Grid organized its first Roadshow event, in Cagliari, Italy, with the collaboration of the Italian Partners of the project: Enel Grids, Engineering, Wind Tre, Athonet and Stam. Targeting experimenters and developers, the Smart5Grid project illustrated how the use of 5G-based Cloud-Edge Computing technologies can foster the digital transition of the Energy Industry. The content of the presentations covered some relevant topics related to our experimentation:

-Overview of the energy scenario and need for digitalization
- State of the art of 5G implementation and milestones at Country level and next steps for towards the implementation of the full 5G Core functionalities
- Private 5G networks and applications in real use cases
- Orchestration and how to handle the distributed computation
- Our platforms (OSR and V&V) as facilitator for developers
- The project demos as concrete implementation examples and opportunities for further improvement from third-parties
- Advantages for third parties in participating to our experimentation
Smart5Grid 2nd RoadshowSmart5Grid Partners8 Mar 23Special Event for Greek audience targeting experimenters and developersOn the 8th of March, Smart5Grid projects organised its 2nd Roadshow event in Athens entitled '5G empowering the energy sector event', with the collaboration of the Greek Partners of the project: OTE, IPTO, 8BELLS, SIDROCO, INFOLYSiS, University of Athens.

Smart5Grid platform comes along with the required support and assistance through a clear and trustworthy SME experimentation roadmap. This event was an opportunity to interact with external stakeholders, with the goal to build awareness about the opportunity offered by the 5G network’s programmability capability for serving different energy use cases. In addition, we aim to create interest in becoming part of the Smart5Grid Network Apps ecosystem and experimenting in the project’s open platform.
Smart5Grid 3rd RoadshowSmart5Grid Partners13 June 23Special Event for Spanish audience targeting experimenters and developersThe 3rd Smart5Grid Roadshow took place on the 13th of June, in Spanish, in an online mode as a joint effort of several partners. There were presentations of different consortium members explaining from the objectives to the advantages of the project, going also through the technical aspects.
IEEE PowerTech Conference 2023UCY -Kios Research Center25-29 June 2023Poster Session in IEEE PowerTech ConferenceIn the IEEE PowerTech Conference which took place on the 25th -29th of June 2023, in Belgrade, University of Cyprus, had submitted two conference papers and one tutorial. Marina Elenkova, Lysandros Tziovani and Lenos Hadjedemitriou presented their work in the context of a Poster Session which attracted the attention of the audience. The conference was attended by 500 academics, researchers and industry stakeholders.
Intellectual Property ManagementSmart5Grid Consortium7 Nov 2023Special workshop for the consotrium and subscribed members of Smart5Grid CommunityThe Smart5Grid “Intellectual Property Management” workshop took place on the 7th of November. Dr Yiannis Dimitrakopoulos from Archimedes – Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship of NKUA presented all the aspects of Intellectual Property management. The workshop welcomed 34 attendees.
Innovation ManagementSmart5Grid Consortium21 Nov 23Special workshop for the consotrium and subscribed members of Smart5Grid CommunityThe Smart5Grid workshop related to 'Innovation Management', took placeon the 21st of November. Dr Antonis Livieratos from Archimedes - Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship of NKUA presented insightful information about Open Innovation and innovation roadmaps.
Smart5Grid Stakeholders ForumSmart5Grid Partners12 Dec 23Special Event for technology providers, system integrators and software developersOn the 12th of December, organised the Smart5Grid Stakeholders Forum.The Smart5Grid project proposes a novel approach for edge-cloud computing in the energy industry, to allow System Operators, technology providers, system integrators and software developers to implement their cloud-native applications in the edge and unlock the potential of 5G digital communication layer. Key speakers come mainly from the Smart5Grid Consortium (ENEL, e-Distribuzione, OTE, IPTO, i2CAT, NearbyComputing, Athonet, Ubiwhere) and Dive was invited as a guest speaker.

INFOCOM 2023Smart5Grid Partners14 Dec 23Modern Research and Development Projects: Creating the Pillar for Investment and Innovations in the ICT Converged (Vertical) Markets.On the 14th of December, the 25th InfoCom, took place in Athens, Greece.
Smart5Grid project co-organized a hybrid Workshop entitled ‘Modern Research and Development Projects: Creating the Pillar for Investment and Innovations in the ICT Converged (Vertical) Markets’.
In this context, during the dedicated Session 2 ‘5G in the Smart Grid – The Innovative View of the Smart5Grid EU-funded Project’ Smart5Grid partners, ENEL, OTE, Entra Energy and Nearby Computing had the opportunity to present Smart5Grid project progress.
Smart5Grid Final EventSmart5Grid Partners09 Apr 24Smart5Grid Final Event in BrusselsThe Smart5Grid project has successfully concluded, marked by an enthusiastic Final Event in Brussels on April 9th! We deeply appreciate the participation and contributions of all the attendees and the external guests.


5G Use Cases for the Energy VerticalSmart5Grid Consortium21 Jun 2022Τhe aim of this workshop was to discuss the application of 5G technology in Smart Grids via the following Use Cases:

- Automatic Power Distribution Grid Fault Detection.
- Remote Inspection of Automatically Delimited Working Areas at Distribution Level.
- Millisecond Level Precise Distributed Generation Monitoring.
- Real-time Wide Area Monitoring of power exchanges (cross border).

You can watch the webinar following this link:

Webinar on Open APIsSmart5Grid Consortium19 April 2024As the mobile landscape is constantly evolving, with ever-increasing demands for faster speeds, greater capacity and more sophisticated applications, 5G networks hold the key to unlocking this potential, offering significant benefits for both vertical industries and users. However, traditional methods of accessing network capabilities can be complex and time-consuming.

In this context, on the 19th of April, Smart5Grid project is hosted an 1 hour webinar, to explore how Open APIs revolutionize mobile application development by simplifying access to Telco networks, entitled ‘Open APIs: Simplifying Telco Network Access for Mobile Applications’. You can watch it on Youtube