Smart5Grid’s communication plan and activities are focused on ensuring impact on society, technology advances, and strengthening European innovation efforts. Smart5Grid’s core communication activities raise awareness about the project through several means and activities, like the project website and social media channels, newsletter, leaflets and flyers, demonstrations and showcases, etc. All communications aim to address the full range of potential users including the academic, research and industrial communities, along with all related stakeholders and the general public.
In specific, communication activities include all actions that will help diffuse the project’s results beyond the Consortium and the direct stakeholders, maximizing the project’s contribution to industry innovation and research and attracting a wide range of stakeholders that are invited to embrace and benefit from the Smart5Grid advancements. In this direction, the project will identify target audiences and define concrete and measurable objectives for each group, implement a solid strategy, with realistic objectives, set up the channels and tools implement the plan and reach the targeted audiences, and closely monitor the impact of the communication to apply corrective actions whenever necessary and identify opportunities that can maximize visibility.
Smart5Grid Newsletter #13
May, 2024