General Profile

Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 72 countries and annual revenue of around € 12 billion. The European number one in Big Data, Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing and Digital Workplace, The Group provides Cloud services, Infra-structure & Data Management, Business & Platform solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payment industry. With its cutting-edge technologies, digital expertise and industry knowledge, Atos supports the digital transformation of its clients across various business sectors: Defense, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media, Energy & Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications and Transportation.

The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify and Worldline. Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is listed on the CAC40 Paris stock index.

Atos Research & Innovation (ARI), R&D node of Atos, is a point of world reference in innovation for the whole Atos group. Atos participates in R&D projects in national or international consortia that enrich Atos’ technological portfolio. Our background of more than 25 years participating in EC projects helps us reinforce our links with our customers by bringing research outcomes to Atos’ customers and empowering our role as source of innovative ideas. Atos Research & Innovation comprises, among others, a specific Telecom sector which is participating in several EC research and development projects about the most innovative technologies and business scenarios to provide network services. In relation to the telecommunication sector, Atos has over 30 years’ experience and counts with more than 9,000 business technologists delivering Telecommunications, Media and Technology sector-specific products, solutions and services. Atos’ comprehensive portfolio of Telco Network Products for telecom operators includes innovative products that help Communications Service Providers (CSPs) deploy new services to generate more business value from their networks. Over 220 telecommunications companies, including many tier 1 carriers and service providers, are clients of Atos. ARI comprises, among others, comprises a specific Telecom Sector which is participating in several EC research and development projects about the most innovative technologies and business scenarios to provide network services and which is member of the 5G PPP, participant of the OSM Community and TM Forum.

Role in the Project

Leads: WP2 (T2.2), T7.3

Major Tasks:

  • Leading WP2 that focuses on designing the use-cases, defining the NetApps requirements and the architecture of Smart5Grid platform.
  • Leading the liaison and interaction activities with all ongoing initiatives in 5G PPP, to ensure a common and strong European Task Force to face the challenges of the 5G deployment in the energy vertical.

Atos’s role includes:

  • Leading the use case elaboration, open 5G platform architecture and technical requirements through its leadership of WP2, Atos will also contribute to the system requirement analysis (T2.1), the technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3) and the roadmap for third-party experimentation (T2.4). Additionally, Atos will lead T2.2, which is responsible for the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications.
  • Contributing to the Smart5Grid network access/core platform building and orchestration, and the open source service repository through its involvement to T3.1 and T3.2, respectively.
  • Actively participate to the NFV automatic testing and validation framework through continuous integration with its involvement in T4.3. Atos will also participate in the NetApps development and will provide technical support to third parties for the NetApp deployment (T4.1, T4.2 and T4.4).
  • Participate to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support uninterruptible smart grid operation (T5.1), as well as to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources (T6.1). Atos will also participate to the NetApps integration and validation for all the use cases (T5.2 and T6.2).
  • Leading the establishment and coordination of communication channels with relevant 5G-PPP projects and communities, including the 5G cross border corridors projects; as well as definining joint agreements and activities with projects and communities in order to liaison and interaction with 5G-PPP Program (T7.3). Atos will also contribute to the dissemination, exploitation, and standardisation activities through the participation in T7.1, T7.2, and T7.4.

Project Related Information

Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 376 250
