5GASP Workshop: ‘5G innovations for verticals’

The ‘5G Innovations for Verticals’ workshop was held in Athens, Greece, on the 14th of March as the final public event of 5GASP project. This workshop brought together partners from ICT-41 projects, 5G-IANA, 5G-Epicentre, and Smart5Grid, and some external guests from Greece. This workshop aimed to bring the ICT-41 projects together and comment their progress, technological advancements and outcomes. In this context, Dimitrios Brodimas from IPTO, presented Smart5Grid project, focusing on Use Case 4: Realtime Wide Area Monitoring. At the end of the presentation, Dimitrios had the opportunity to inform the participants about Smart5Grid Final Event in Brussels. IPTO also took part in a round table with the other ICT-41 projects that participated in order to comment on the objectives accomplished.