General Profile
UBITECH ENERGY SPRL was founded by a blend of experienced ICT Consultants and Energy Research Innovators, with a long track record in the identification, design, development and commercialization of research and innovation smart energy projects. It is the latest member of the UBITECH group of companies, blending the existing ‘know-how’ in IT and RD&I projects with high expertise in the energy sector. Building upon a deep and thorough understanding of energy systems current needs and future challenges, these projects have been addressing a wide range of technologies and domains – including smart grid solutions, energy efficiency, IoT, cybersecurity and data privacy, renewables integration, energy markets and services, blockchain technology, cloud computing and big data analytics. UBITECH ENERGY team is consisted of talented and motivated engineers, managers, consultants and innovators that have been actively involved in all the domains affecting the energy and digital value chain. They have wide experience in power generation asset management, transmission and distribution network planning, electricity operation and maintenance through collaboration with the leading network operators and plant owners in many European countries in core projects related with the integration of RES, new technology upgrades and retrofit/refurbishment. Furthermore, UBITECH ENERGY team members are active members of the academic community, as lecturers at universities and senior researchers in laboratories conducting research in the area of ICT, smart grids, market design and energy policies. Experienced consultants teamed up with UBITECH ENERGY and provide valuable knowledge in business models, energy strategies and leadership for all active and prospective actors in the energy markets.
UBITECH ENERGY explores novel grid constituents coming from the industry’s state-of-the-art (i.e., high-tech conductors, FACTS, intelligent universal transformers, efficient power electronic devices, DER controllers, storage configurations, HVDC modules), studies thoroughly their impact on the power system operation, designs architectures and implements applicable plans for novel technology integration and benefits maximization. UBITECH ENERGY opens the door for new types of energy services which optimally control and steer energy consumption according to market and system needs. ICT-tools and big data generated by smart meters, smart devices and sensors help monitor and verify energy savings and flexibility and thus provide for appropriate remuneration of optimized consumption. UBITECH ENERGY technology solutions favors energy services of this kind that combine clean energy penetration and end-user benefits towards increasing their viability, nevertheless result in real, measurable energy savings and performance improvements of the overall energy system. UBITECH ENERGY develops architectures and platforms, provides solutions to manage these network and market complexities, ensures grid services in full geographical coverage, quality of clean energy supply to the consumers, while minimizing operational risks and uncertainties.
Role in the Project
Major Tasks:
- Actively contributing to the real-life integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids and provide technical support where is needed.
- Contribute to the impact creation of the project.
UBE’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of the use cases and the system requirements analysis (T2.1) and to the definition of the system level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids (T2.3).
Actively contributing to the integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids by overseeing and supporting all the stages of the real-life demonstration; from the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform (T5.1) and, NetApps integration and validation (T5.2), to the actual field demonstrations (T5.3 and T5.4).
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 322 743,75