General Profile
Southeast European Technological Company Ltd is an innovative technology and service provider company based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Having international partnerships and alliances with global players in the sector of energy and smart technology, SETECHCO develops novelties and delivers smart energy solutions. We are a passionate team open to new challenges and productive collaborations. SETECHCO’s working group is consisted of scientific experts in engineering, smart energy technologies, data management, economics and marketing.
Southeast European Technological Company Ltd offers the following services: Business model development, Market and regulatory analysis for business economic growth, Strategic consultancy for market and business players to expand, Innovation project research and transfer of technology, Strategic consultancy to help energy actors to adjust to decarbonisation. Experience and expertise in power systems, energy, IT and R&D sectors. The company has been actively involved in many real demonstrators. It has also experience in the development of life cycle assessment and cost benefit analysis studies, scalability and replicability plans.
Role in the Project
Major Task:
- Contributing to all stages of the actual field pilots’ demonstration and performance evaluation for Use Cases 3 and 4 for integrating high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids.
SETECHCO’s role includes:
- Contributing to the elaboration of use cases and system requirements analysis (T2.1) and to the overall architecture design of open exeperimental 5G platform and NetApps specifications (T2.2).
- Contributing to the development of use case specific NetApps of T4.1, the NetApp deployment over the open experimentation platform of T4.2 and the NFV automatic testing & validation framework through continuous integration of T4.3.
- Contributing to the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform to support integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources (T6.1), to the NetApps integration and validation for Use Cases 3 and 4 of T6.2, and to the actual field pilots’ demonstration and performance evaluation for UC3 (Millisecond Level Precise Distribution Generation Control) through its participation to T6.3 and for UC4 (Real-time Wide Area Monitoring) through its participation to T6.4.
Contributing to the dissemination activities for the maximisation of the project’s impact (T7.1) and interact with 5G-PPP programs through the T7.3.
Project Related Information
Activity type: Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
EU Contribution: € 125 125