General Profile

Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation S.A., member of the Deutsche Telekom (DT) Group of Companies, is the incumbent telecommunications provider in Greece. OTE as the leading company of the OTE Group of Companies, offers its customers a wide range of technologically advanced services such as high-speed data communications, mobile telephony, internet access, infrastructure provision, multimedia services, leased lines, maritime and satellite communications, telex and directories. OTE’s vision is to rank among the largest telecommunications companies in Europe, and through its international investments (mainly in the area of South-Eastern (SE) Europe), now addresses a potential customer base of 32 million people, making OTE the largest telecommunications provider in SE Europe. OTE’s R&D Department is involved in almost all technological and infrastructural issues and is an active participant in many EU and international collaborative projects. OTE’s current R&D activities include broadband technologies and services, next generation network architectures, infrastructure development etc., following to the actual challenges for the development of a fully competitive network infrastructure & a portfolio of innovative services/facilities.

OTE is a market actor (network operator and service provider) with experience in the related topic of the present proposal, belonging to a group of international recognition and expertise (i.e., DT). The company emphasises upon the development and testing of new facilities, with the aim of supporting new and innovative infrastructures and services, so that to have a continuous advantage compared to its competitors in the national and the wider European/international arena. The Smart5Grid proposal intends to focus on several specific areas that are among the actual (technological) corporate priorities, also within the OTE Group of Companies, at national level. This will create new opportunities, especially regarding business perspectives. The company has appropriate facilities and resources to use for the Smart5Grid activities and possesses high expertise at all Smart5Grid-related issues, where OTE is involved.

Role in the Project

Leads: T4.4, WP6 (T6.1), T7.4

Major Tasks:

  • Provide the required 5G connectivity coverage for demonstrating/launching the new Smart5Grid solutions – WP6 Leadership.
  • Give technical support and assistance to third parties for the NetApp Deployment.
  • Contribute towards the Smart5Grid standars tracking – Dr. Ioannis P. Chochliouros will act as the Smart5Grid Standardisation Manager.

OTE’s role includes:

  • Contributing to the use case elaboration, and identification of the open 5G platform architecture that will be applied in the Smart5Grid according to the technical requirements related to the 5G communication network in the energy sector, through its participation to T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3. Also, with its participation to T2.4, OTE will create an alignment with previous 5G-PPP phases and will contribute to the roadmap for the third-party experimentation.
  • Contributing to the the integration, building and orchestration of the Smart5Grid open-source platform and interfacing between 5G and energy infrastructures by participationg in T3.1 and T3.3.
  • Leading the T4.4 and being responsible for the technical support and assistance to 3rd parties for the NetApp deployment on the Smart5Grid open platform. Also, OTE participates in the NFV automatic testing and validation framework through continuous integration through its participation to T4.3.
  • Leading the integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids (WP6 Leadership), by actively participatie to the actual field demonstration of Use Cases 3 and 4. Through the leadership of T6.1, OTE will prepare the Smart5Grid field platform to support the integration of high levels of variable renewable sources, while during its active participation to the T6.4, the Use Case 4 (Real-time Wide Area Monitoring) will be supported by its 5G connectivity coverage.
  • Contributing to the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of the Smart5Grid Results via T7.1, T7.2, and T7.3. Also, monitor and plan the standardisation strategy of the Smart5Grid, and to periodically monitor and assess the standardisation potential of the scientific results from the project (T7.4). The Standardisation Manager will periodically report about the progress of standardisation and open-source development activities within Smart5Grid, which will then be reported to the European Commision and further, presented to the 5G-PPP Working Groups on standardisation in order to create joint opportunities, in order to push European interests globally.

Project Related Information

Activity type: Private for-profit entities
EU Contribution: € 262 937,50

