6th Joint Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021)

In conjunction with the 17th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations AIAI 2021) International Conference (June 25-27, 2021), the 6th – in turn – Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021) took place, under the organizational umbrella of the 5G-DRIVE project and by the supervision and the coordination of OTE (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.).

The Workshop has been established to disseminate knowledge obtained from ongoing EU projects as well as from any other action of EU-funded research, in the wider thematic area of 5G and with the aim of focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern 5G and beyond telecommunications infrastructures.
5G-PINE 2021 has thus emphasized on presenting associated results, methodologies, trials, concepts and/or findings originating from technical reports coming from related pilot actions and/or any other relevant 5G-based applications, intending to enhance intelligence to the network edges.
The 5G-PINE 2021 Workshop was a joint effort for the broader dissemination of research and the exchange of knowledge/results between several H2020 EU-funded projects. In particular, three EU-funded H2020/5G-PPP projects (i.e., 5G-DRIVE, 5G-VICTORI and Smart5Grid) and one MCSA EU-funded project (MOTOR5G) have joined their effort towards creating the core context to “attract” participation of other projects as well.

Following the long tradition of past 5G-PINE events, the 2021 Workshop has also been a success, as a total of thirteen (-13-) papers have been presented and discussed interactively, promoting progress originating from seven (-7-) ongoing 5G-PPP projects (5G-DRIVE, 5G-VICTORI, Smart5Grid, 5G-PHOS, Affordable5G, MARSAL and MonB5G) and three (-3-) H2020 projects emphasizing also on 5G aspects (i.e., RESISTO, FASTER and TYPHON). This has been an excellent opportunity for creating collaboration links and paths for exchanging knowledge between the participating projects.

Smart5Grid project’s partner OTE, has been responsible for the organization of the entire Workshop. In addition, Dr. Ioannis Chochliouros from OTE (also 5G-PINE Program Chair) has presented a synergetic Smart5Grid paper where the project’s aims and the related use cases have been discussed. The organizational process has also been supported by the Smart5Grid Project Coordinator, Mr. Daniele Porcu from ENEL.

For more information you can visit the website:


and/or the dedicated workshop’s web site at:

www.5g-essence-h2020.eu www.5g-essence-h2020.eu

“The 6th 5G-PINE Workshop intended to realize a framework of an open and interactive cooperation and for exchanging ideas, knowledge and practices between several EU-funded projects (coming from H2020 and 5G-PPP) covering several among the identified 5G specific topics and possible application areas”.